Saturday 3 December 2011


I need somebody to talk to because i physically feel broken, appoligies for posting twice or possibly more by the way the evening is going but at this moment in time my feelings on the screen infront of me seem quite reasuring, is it sad that a inanimate object with my words on is setteling my soul? i really hoped my blog wouldnt get too emotional as its not really me to get upset, not the new me anyway, maybe its time to put my history onto paper? show how i gave myself a new life by fighting? but to me that would seem desperate as if i was seeking attention using the guilt trip of my past. i swear i could go on for hours here as each word apears im feeling better, using any subject to create a distraction. am i actually talking to myself or is someone actually out there reading this little snippet of my life at the moment, i wonder if they or you are smiling right now because the thought of someone actually reading this is making me smile a little bit, if i said thank you who would it be too but i really am, the throbbing of my heart and brain has numbed and feel relaxed, im happy with what i have wrote and dont feel a quote is needed.

1 comment:

  1. I read this and smiled and cried a little, you remind me so much of me and I really don't know weather its a good thing or a bad thing, or just that a love you a helluva alot!
